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Tuesday, 11 September 2012

What i did year 9?

In year 9 we learnt:

  • Film Trailers
  • Camera Shots
  • Posters
  • Photoshop Work
  • Video Recorders practical work 
The thing i enjoyed most in year 9 is creating a poster for a film.

My strengths are : Practical, Leadership and Creativity.
My weaknesses are: Analytical, Teamwork and Evaluation.

Onto year 10 work!

Year 9 work below!

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

What makes a good film

A good film trailer will consist of:
A brief view of the film leaving the viewer in suspense.
Date when it comes out.
Viewing of the main characters.
Variety of different shots.
Release Dates
Name of characters.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

What makes a Good Film Website...

Features of a good film website:
Conventions (Synopsis, Cast + Crew, Downloads etc...)
Date on when its coming out.
Characters and there part.
Coloring that matches the film.
Videos (Trailer).

A good film website has alot of detail about the film it is advertising on the page. It should also have a good amount of detail about the story. The colour of the website should match the ty[e of genre and should relate to the film so you get to know the characters better. It should also have some information about where it is getting released and if its 3d!

Monday, 20 February 2012

Website Analysis

1DAY Analyse2

Monday, 30 January 2012

Horror Advert Analysis

Horror Advert Analyse

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